Monday, February 5, 2018

Enlightenment and torture

Enlightenment gives a better ability to live everyday life as more skilled and more happy and with more wisdom of life and some social skills. It is not a way to overcome torture or other very miserable life circumstancies. Maybe enlightenment can help slightly to some such fates, I guess that to old time physical labour in agriculture especially, but for example overly much labour in academical work is much easier to bear if one is stupid.

Better capacity at making observations typically brings some wisdom of life. But like the point Knitting enlightenment in this blog shows, just such knowledge isn't enough. Instead you need to be inclined toward that type of practical action for it to succeed, for it to make you happy. Even then overly much is boring and brings poor work habits, while the same as refreshing extra brings good quality of life for a moment and is so typical to persons who like to do many kinds of things in their days and change often from one action to another that happens to interest/fascinate them more right then. Often the rythm of good quality work is like an edging path and not like a rigid scedule that lasts and lasts, boringly.
So it seems that enlightenment goes well with civilized freedom and not with torture like things. 
Lot of forcing to some kind of area of work comes typically from those who think that it is a good profession, like it.