Some use meditation just to increase their abilitieas of objective observation. Such is typical to persons who do not fully understand masses of seen information in a fraction of a second, and so they pay especially attention to things, kind of drown to them compared to others, and so get masses of oínfluencies from them, but want to see also what is normally bypassed quickly since it is harmful influencies, and so they pay attention to death and dangers in a way that is unwise but caused by their preoccupation with other things so that they do not have enough capoacity to understand such fully in a short time while just bypassing those things and just noticing them as parts of the landscape that oen is in. Harmful influencies often come if some accident or the like is a major content of your mind while you do something else, so that the unwise tactics of the accident or whatever it is get copied to what you do, and so you might end up in an accident yourself. Simnilarly one cam get positive influencies from skilled forefigures in mind, from civiliced wisdom, good quality successes, etc.
Monday, December 28, 2020
About unwise subjects of attention
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Some meditation hints
* Meditation ought to make the body and sensations livelier, not khraah like grey nonenergatic, but instead alive, atmospheric, pleasant. So you should not keep your body dead stiff, but instead let it move slightly, let there be many meóvement intentions in your movements so that you can choose good ways of doing and let them vary according to the situation. Try to be in a landscape instead of restricted by your thoughts, so that you do not have kraa like edges, but instead something like hairs moving in a slight breeze, sensitive, alöivem varied.
* Meditation place ought not be so cool that it is nonenergetic. Instead one oguht to be warm enough to be alive and enduring without loss of amount of wisdom.
* Sometimes sitting meditation opens attention,while meditation in motion opens the daily life to more pleasant sensations of colours, lights, shadow,s atmospheres, things too do, theior current, motion, body awareness with wisdom of life, etc
(28.12.2020 Oh, it hasjust been Christmas, and I tried meditating sitting on a Christmas carpet, since I thought it a good surface and a good place to sit on. But ifyou liked the Christmas like style, try eating a Christmas cookie, since that is one way of getting Christmas like atmosphere, and does not need so much religiousness. You could also read my text about the skills of Christmas gnomes but it is very long and just my own, not traditional.)
About food and meditation
Do Asians try to meditate, then go and drink tea and replace meditation with tea? Tea or food gives energy, and with enough energy life is much more pleasant and wise.We Finns use so little energy and eat so healthily that we have always so much energy, and so life is just nice. But we do not eat lots of meat on one meal and then long time just vegetables, like seems more close to Asianb ways, but instead we eat healthily on every meal so that we have a good amopunt of all kind of nutritients that we need in our lives. There is an advice for what is healthy: of a meal 1/3 ought to be vegetables, 1/3 to 1/2 rise, potatoes or the like, 1/5 to 1/3 meat, chocken, fish or the like. In addition some milk and a piece of bread with butter or the like on it, is also recommended but such is more often a snack between meals. There is another rule too: eat something like feels good and brings you energy and good mood, is good for life for the next few hours or so, eat something so from each of the fiuve groups of foods on every meal: 1. vegetables, fruits and berries, 2. meat, chicken, fish,soya, some nuts, 3. butter etc, 4. milk products, 5. bread and the like.
I guess agitated mood from eating vegetables comes from thinking too much that vegetables would bring energy. Instead Finns get energy from healthy natural things that tjey likem like hobbies, beauty of nature, sports, weather, friends, interesting things to read, etc
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Meditation advice for beginners, but made thinking of cancer patients
(An English translation under the Finnish text.)
Meditaatio-ohje aloittelijoille, mutta syöpäpotilaita ajatellen laadittu
Laadin parantamisaiheiseen blogiini meditaatio-ohjeen syöpäpotilaille, kun ajattelin sellaista tarvittavan:
"Sellaiseenkai auttaisi MEDITAATIO, ei mikään kehon
tarkkailu"meditaatio" vaan tavallinen hengityksen tarkkailumeditaatio
ja ympäröivän maiseman & elämän kanssa tekemisissä oleminen arjessa
liikemeditaation tapaan ja keho vain sen kannalta enemmän hahmotettu,
että mikä on liikkumiselle hyvä. Eli hengitysmeditaatiossa seurataan
hengitystä, tarkkaillaan sitä ja sen vaikutuksia (terveiltä osin,
terveellä tavalla, elämänviisaasti, tms) kehoon ja mieleen ja
kontaktiin ympäristöön yms, eli oikeastaan ihan vain tavallisesti
hengitetään la tunnetaan ilman virta nenässä jne ja pyritään olemaan
luonnollisesti, pakottamatta, istumaan hyvässä asennossa paikoillaan
muttei jäykästi vaan niin kuin on liikunnallista ja luonnollinen ryhti
selkä suorassa kuten liikuntaharrastus tuo, ja tunteidenmukaisia
pyritään myös olemaan ja ajatuksia tulee ja mene muttei kehitellä
niitä vaan keskitytään tuntemaan aistimuksia ja olemaan tasapainossa,
nauttimaan tästä hetkestä ja pakottamattoman huomion tuomista
kauneusaistimuksista ja jotenkin viisaammasta tavasta olla asioiden
kanssa tekemisissä, ei niin palikkajärkisestä,tökertöstä eikä
keinotekoisesta vaan pikemminkin motivaation muakisesta ja arjen
persutekemisten ikiaikaista tervehenkistä perusmuotoa, perusvirtaa
arvostavasta, ja siitä löytää pakoton hereillä oleva elämisen tapa,
joka on samaan tapaan luonnollinen kuin ihan vain hengityksen kulku
tms pakottamaton peruseläminen, kun siitä on harrastunut tai kaipaa
lepotaukloa arjen hälinästä, ja myötäeläväkin pyritään olemaan, se on
huomiokyvylle hyväksi, sillä kuljetaan myötävrírtaan kuten asiat
tapahtuvat eikä keinotekoisesti väkerretä, mutta idea siis ihan vain
istua rennosti selkä suorassa ja seurata hengityksensä kulkua ja siinä
sivussa oppia hyvä pakottamaton huomio eli meditaatio. "
* * *
My translation:
10th of December 2020 I made a meditation advice to my Finnish blog
about curing . It is for beginners
but made thinking of cancer patients, just in case they might need it.
"To such would help MEDITATION, not any bady observation "meditation",
but instead ordinary meditation of observing breathing and living in
connection with the mandscape around and life around like meditation in
motion and of the body observe more mostly just how is good to move.
In breathing meditation just follow your breathing, observe it and it's effects (healthy sides of them, in a healthy way, with wisdom of life, etc) on the body and mind and to oneäs contact with the environment etc, in fact just ordinarily breathe and feel the air moving in your nostrils etc, and aim to be naturally, without forcing, sit in a good posture, still but not stiff, but instead like is sporty and a naturally straight back like sports hobbies bring, and aim also at living according to feelings, and thoughts come and go but don't ponder on them but isntead concentrate on feeling sensations and be in balance and enjoy the present moment and the sensation s of beauty brought by nonforcing attention and a somehow wiser way to associate with things,
not so squarely thinking, not so clumsyly pushy nor artificial but instead according to motivation and valuing the everyday life's basic things done, their ages old basic form, basic current, and find from it a nonforcing way to be fully awake in living one's everyday life, which is natural the same way as breathing is or some other nonforcing basic life, when one likes it or needs a rest pause from the noise of everyday life, and one ought to aim at compassion too, such is good for attention, when one goes along how people and animals do things and not artificially forcing things to some form, but the idea is to just sit relaxedly with back straight and follow one's breathing and as a side effect learn a good nonforcing way to use attention, in other words meditation."
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Calmness of mind
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Advices about opening theoretical view to zen kind of sensations
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Friday, March 20, 2020
Eurovision 2020 ? Harmony at the level of the world
""A melody: peoples cooperating in European way
Thinking of peoples cooperating in Eiuropean ways, in harmony of individuals and cultures
Thinking of the Eurovision song contest brought this subject to my mind, aversion of singing in a choir.
26th of February 2020 I was thinking of åepåle living in harmony in a way that is reflected in singing in a choir, or learned from it, and thought of people from different continents singing, but I do not know what it affected that it was just a thought.
There are three parts in this: 10/4 theory, 8/4 practice and 8/4 ideals.
Was thinking of the harmony of the choir, not nedessarily of it's melody.Could it work out as chords accoimpment?
5th of March 2020 These three parts would beif I remember right: 1. rationally, 2. in practical chores, 3. ideals. I wrote also fourth part and it would be: 4. collecting these to living ordinarily. It is half-notes: E, A, F and C.
Tuesday 10th of March 2020 Finland's Eurovision song of 2020 was chosen last Saturday, I listened to it in the internet and it sounded quite much like this piece of mine, with the fourth part too, but of course it had words too and I do not know who composed it and how much similar it in fact was. My thought was that this piece is just a harmony, not the melody itself.
20th of March 2020
Here are the last notes too:
Climate information is important
Old pond.
Frog jumps -
sound of water.
made me wonder if the translator had confused heat with having eaten a lot and fracturelessness and senses open with some kind of cynical realism and food. Those I guess are errors in estimating the climate the poem is from. And such errors are an obstacle on the way of learning wisdom of life. I guess that Asiasn would need to emphasize more information about the climate each text is from and how people live in such a climate and why so.