4th of October 2023 There are now very many of these books or e-books at :
"The Christmas Gnomes Internet Institute" : Skills Of Christmas Gnomes, books 1.-9.
"Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves", books 1.-3.
"Christmas Angels (around oneself in the living environment)" an e-booklet only
6th of October 2023 I changed the covers of the books "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes", books 1.-9. Those used to have just one single background photo which was a view from my window in Savonlinna in eastern Savo in Finland. But the background colour somehow changed, abd so it wasn't a nature picture in the spine, which is seen when the book is on a self, so in a Christmas subject and in a subject acvording to positive feelings it should have bee0n red, preferably Christmas red. So I changed the covers to some red theme of the cover creator program, mostly without pictures, but it turned out to be an aggressive red not at all suited to the subject. So I made new covers trying to interprete what the books' view was like, but so the covers have both red and orange plus detailed photos. But now it shoukd be told to Asian readers that even though the subject needs good will and senses open in practical life and tells quite much of wisdom of life, it mostly isn't in any way about Buddhism. It is just about Christmas. Some wish for Christmas like wisdom of life and that is for whom I have written, even though my own likings and so also the emphazis in the book is more toward healthy ways of living and music. There is a Look inside or Read a sample feature in most of my books. It maybe is at the ebook's page
9th of October 2023 "Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves"
This booklet seems to bring a magma like effect in the air. What to think of it? I wrote it exhausted from writing 9 books about the "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes". Those are all available at the Amazon internet bookshops, search "tervola" or visit my books' page . This far no-one has bought any of my books connected with Christmas, yet writing those has taken me five years and the attached other texts even more, without any wage.
Regards, Kaisa Hannele Tervola
A1. I do not know so much of Christmas angels. I see them as connected with atmospheres and weather, like if one opens a ventilation window and in comes a fresh breeze and the feel of the weather. Typically one soon closes the window, but ghe feel of fresh weather has something ages old which makes emotilnal life too somehow relieved, a little bit like walking a few steps on lawn grass barefooted in the summer time.

A2. Another what comes to mind from the words "Christmas" and "angel" is some human helping with a great heart the ill or helping in some too laborous task since one well can and it does not disturb the helper in so short pieces if it isn't repeated usually. Then I guess that the human or animal helping with a great heart is well capable of helping, does a lot of great things in just a short while, and likes such, is not in danger of falling ill or catching some lack of luck across time, instead just likes such persons as the helped one like people often like some other type of persons or some like having children around and playing. My healing advices could help by just reading and understanding some short piece, if you first find it. It is healing by pieces of healthy natural ways of living and by pieces of wisdom of life. See "A healing role" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola at the Amazon internet bookshops.

A3. A third type of Christmas angels are religious people helping people & in other things in the society and in the world toward better life and wisdom. Wishing for a better lufe in the world makes the landscape less a burden, since there are solutions and seeds of solutions in the form of good will in it. Wishing well may be difficult if lne takes things very personally or searches for big feelings, but one can wish mildly well in civiliced ways just because such does not disturb lne's life and is said to be good for the future world and for one's living environment, i.e. for lne's own life too.
A4. If one feels exhausted, it is important to invest in healthy natural ways of living and wisdom of life like music teaches too. I have written many advices about wisdom of lufe, which this tect about Christmas angels presupposes, to my two book series "The Christmas Gnomes Internet Institute" (9 books) and continued by "Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves" (3 books), which both one can find at the Amazon internet bookshops.

A5. Some religious people like nunns work too much, i guess because others cannot fill their tasks and they have taken the tasks to themselves. Such is often syrenous, so it does not leave a relieved effect like a Christmas angel or an edging path of varied healthy kind of things to do according to the ages old human nature. I saw today a picture of a video of nunns who looked very exhausted. They seemed to be nunns because they had so much problems that they just needed to invest hours in a row to better wiser views to catch some well working way of life and values which would lift them out of trouble and maybe help some whom they had thought good to help on the way, somehow suited to their character type.
A6. I guess that Christmas angels connect to doing some one kind of thing and it caring for some whole area, so that one is left standing in the middle and admiring some single part of it and just being relieved that things are well as a whole. Like if one tidies and home and children take the carpets to be waved outdoors, and one just brushes the floor and helps the children in bringing the clean carpets to the floor and everything is just ready and nice, carpets in ways that feel good for lufe instead of rigidly squarely.

A7. Something people near by are so inclined toward certain areas of life and their stuck ways of thinking, that it lowers the quality of things done and some things just fail. If then for some reason people invest in all recommended wise things, good ways of doing and living, liked positive things and characteristics, beautiful values at large and good will, giving all room to live in, the usual problems often disappear in such cases and some things rise to heights and many kinds of things work out just fine. Christmas is sometimes such since people want to make things well for Christmas and there is tradition adding things of which all do not know why to do such, but which usually make something work out better or remind of values which make one more intelligent and/happy.
A8. Sometimes someone with wisdom of lufe according to feelings and maybe healing skills of religious kind, sends some Christmas greeting or has made some product in a shop, via which you and the others near by catches for some minutes or somelne motivated even for days a well running motivated happy way of living in which social relationships too work out ok and it is as if a moment of luck like being carried by the views of others which in this time happened to be wise, leaving room for each person's own well running life. Such a difference is likely to also heal if one manages to stay in such good travks, which is often the reason for people joining some religious social group. But the first ghat comes to my mind is the song "Puhelinlangat laulaa" by Katri Helena in the radio, but I do not know if it is such, it just somehow sounds like such kn my ears.
"Telephone strings sing
Telephone strings sing
and in the nightly sky shines the moon.
On a highway, whistling walks briskly a wandering young man.
A culture's old traditional ways of living and dokng things are also such : suited to many, without being a burden to the possibilities for individual lives, and joining together the lives of different generations.
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A9. 2nd of October 2023 My old texts about angels and devils and about Christmas, see
I copy them here :
1st of March 2023
I wrote a long blog text about the skills for Christmas gnome like life in the modern world, see and .
I wonder if I could similarly write about another friendly tale creature, namely angels. But I am not sure if that is a similar task at all, since Christmas gnomes are liked and they are said to make presents all the year for Christmas, while angels are often opposed and lied about angellikedness, so that maybe quite many are angel like sometimes for some but very rarely anyone all the time.
Types of angels that are supported to exist momentarily, are at least pain relief, rescue, helping stuck persons in everyday life and much wanted major improvements in the life of a group. To be angel like those deeds need to save the situation like a relief, like an at least quite quick healing and do it in healthy ways that are good for life, both for the future of the individual and of the society and of the world. Typical to them is that when the need is big the angel appears and then later is gone or an ordinary person. It sounds like someone with high enough skills was friendly enough to help and shelter.
But I had a white Japanese spitz who on some spiritual or mental side helped as many as he hsd white hairs in his coat. It was a huge number and took some five years. But he was a skilled miracle healer and he liked fat elderly nurses like him, so some nurses got him to help and the work load was just too heavy, but i and my apricot poodle wanted to give him lots of free time and wisdom and i cooked him extra food when he felt that he needed such. Maybe the healing was so quick and almost always successful that it was in a way nice job and he got respect and friends from doing it. But in the end the work load killed him, first brought a lack of luck and then killed. He was a nice pet.
"Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Angels or the voice of what fits the human (& animal) nature
I somehow got stuck in the English version od my text about gnomes or gnome like fascination of things in modern town life. I wonder if that is because Finns tend to question tale like things and figure out explanations to them in ways which would support good life with good spirit at large if cultivated such. So instead of no tales we end up with something that has a good spirit but that is not exactly the same as the tale, but is much more long lasting tahn just trying to lie the tale into reality. So if gnomes interest, what about angels then? Neither one is my hobby but I can try to explain something about angels too.
On the concretical level angels seem to refer to either birds or humans, but on the other hand more meaningful is what the angel does and what it is like. If something is like a great relief, in some cultures they call it a deed of an angel, but that is culture dependent since in some countries such names are benefical for the one who is so called, and in ohers harmful. It is also something like saying: "That is almost ytoo much, but well tank you for doing it." Which is maybe good in care professions: caring for a moment, when needed, doing good quality job,but then resting too, not overstarining if not necessarily needed. On the other hand in jobs like university and school there is the need to stay rational and to appear rational in the eyes of others, so that saying that something is too much or done only because of virtues of character, kind of takes away the strenght in one'sd words, is not convincing, doe snot seem to fit as a rule to concern all.
Deeds of angels are thought to be quite or even very strenous and that is why those are thanked for, strenous but needed. How is it possible to do such without getting too tired to do such? If one needs strenght, healthy natural ages old ways of living are a good choise then. And healthy natural ways of living are what is good for getting cured and for getting a good life also in other matters, so that choice is aƶready much of what the others need from an "angel". Making such good choices, such changes in one's ways of living toward better, makes one typically more sensitively observing, more fine tuned, and on the other hand such sensitive taking things into account is much of what considerate ways people need from an "angel".
Sometimes not at all moral people wish to be called sometimes an angel, so that they could take it as position over more moral individuals, so it is important to notice that an angel usually cares for single individual's need, which is in a hierargy in the society or in the world not at all as high as moral individuals."
"Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Devils and following different wanting in the same action as the others
This text is the third in a series of gnomes & angels.
As far as I know, there are several types of devils. ypical to them is that they follow some other goalsetting and some other values than the others in the group that terms them devils, values that do not cultivate at all the things the others care about. So the social group has accepted the "devil" in a too deep way to be a part of the group, a more distant relationship would typically have solved the problem. On the other hand the devil does something toward his own goals but mistakenly spreads the effect over a so large group that it causes harm to others, either to the things they do or to their lives or to the possibilities of good life in the socviety. There are two typical reasons for this: either the devil considers evil deeds soldier like handsomeness or then he/she wants to restrict his/her life to a certain profession but mistakenly competes in influence with others interested in other areas of life while he/she should have instead left those subject and the wider areas to be ruled by society's civilized ways and the work of each profession on it's area of life. Sometimes such misunderstandings get caused by school emphasizing engineering like ways to think without mentioning that they belong to engineering and are not fitted to ruling the world."
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A third text: Christmas
These are from my tale figures blog attempt
Gnomes belong to Christmas, some angel decorations too but devils not, but maybe when one associates too closely with family members, they maybe get nearer than what is good for oneself and for the relations to work, but on the other hand during Christmas all are in a good mood and so they get better along the couple of days needed before one typically meets friends again and goes to hobbies. Good food, traditions, presents, some religion, being with the weather and caring for winter skills and of course good will bring pleasantness to the Christmas. On the dark winter days in November and December such celebration is dearly needed. Also school and work are a bigger burden then and it is nice to make Christmas preparations, presents, handiworks and eat some cookies.
I have written of weather skills at and of curing illnesses at . Handiworks are also a nice hobby . Good food brings warmth to depressed or squeezed people . All people do not rise to their full potential in school or work but instead during free time and via wider interests and hobbies & good will, and so the society rises to better life with greater wisdom via prayer and liberal-minded good will and wider civilized ways and with healthy spirit. Songs too serve to rise the level of wisdom of life and the ability to trust feelings with wisdom.
21st of March 2023 My old blog
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A10. 3rd of October 2023
If one wants a revelation like Christmas angel sight or presence, such are often the much valued things in life, for someone a good meal, music for most and of course religion for demanding matters like healing and other problem solving - when one wishes for such, maybe after a small pause, and when one has good possibilities to such in the form of habits and skills, since if one is kind of stiff and outside the subject, it does not feel so great. So the Christmas presents often seek to be such: like toys, hobby like things, good adventure books or a manual of butterflies, plants or the like, or wanted handiworks. Also visiting places that one wants to know, are often such : like a fine view, traditional houses of the old times, a cafeteria or the like in some area that one likes and from which to also buy things of that kind to one's home.
A11. If you would life something like a feeling of an angel's wings in your presence, such is often a feeling of relief, of life possibilities being corrected toward what they healthily ought to be, in a lasting way which often means that there should be a wise theory perspective supporting them, so that the possibility to such things in life stays even if it was just a passing moment. Such are often insights of wise people wise in the art of living and wishing well in the world, which means that one can momentarily learn them from the books that they have written, and propably in a lasting way if one has such as a hobby. The other option is to cultivate virtues that many suppose to be parts of happy life but which one oneself often dismisses, and so such create moments of better life to one's children or to those who do not have such a background but would like such, but one should inform them from where one can learn such.
A12. Christmas is a few days after the shortest day of the year. So in a sense it is at the start of a time of relief toward lighter days via lenghtening daylight time and via them a strenghtening feeling of the coming in the future of the summer time flourishing season that is important for animals, especially to the small insects, and plants, and for humans too. Yet it is difficult to notice at first, there is just some relief and an apprexiation toward the wisdom of religion and of the wild birds etc who can start building it already then. The weathers are best lived a moment by moment, and only via the complexity of the wild nature comes some view of the wisdom of the wild nature kn living the four seasons.
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I made an e-book of these advices about Christmas angels, see (available soon) see
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April 2024
Find The Land Of Christmas
You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the headers at