maanantai 29. heinäkuuta 2024

Paradise is possible

 29th of July 2024   Build yourself a paradise, a paradise like way of life, paradise theory and wisdom of life, lots of free advices, rewarding books to read, see which ought to lead to 

tiistai 16. heinäkuuta 2024

Beginner's mind

 "  Zen Buddhism teaches that the mind of a masterfully skilled person is like beginner's mind, but it does not mean unexperienced student but instead the fascinated first glimpse of something, a glimpse full of life and perceptilns about many things like colours, smells, areas of lufe, ways of doing, meaningful done things and objects in the environment, movement, feelings, atmospheres, things in one's picture of the world, etc. So one observes a lot and is well along even if it lasts half a minute and not jyst a few seconds. So it is much better for quality than bored repetitive lobg lasting work like slam-slam-slam making sand cakes of moist sant by pressing a cover upon it, or some artifact or artifact part in a similar way. So in long term labour too it matters that one would be interested and enjoy such areas of life - so often pleasant work is found somewhat aside from one's education but not so far that one would need to study boredly again, more like weekend hobbies get support from lne's education in perception ability being keener, thinking being easy, egc. So that way one could find a better quality work around one's hobby like interests, kind of being motivated toward such life with a full capacity. 


As if of a naturally healthy family

 These advices appear very different in style from what to expect from advices on healthy natural ways of living. I guess the local solutions suited to different countries and climates differ too much. So the end result resembles Asian choices like "universal love" and "a gem" etc. That means that in Buddhism too much more local versions would ve needed, maybe max nearest towns too? 

"Learn to stay healthy and recover when needed 

 This is a much wished for tjing to learn from the northern climates, but this attempt that seems successful, is surprisingly different in ways of communicating and values and skills referred to, than what I and I guess many other northerners too, would have expected, see and at a link from there. "

Waking to life 

 " ...

If one thinks of what those who tend to be ill and mostly just sleep and stay st home, if they needed some advice of how to recover and live comfortably at home. My strong opinion has always been that as healthy and capable I can make much better advices. But now via experience I have noticed that if I would for example make a melody of wakkng up, being revived to life, refreshed, vitalused, it would include some element from active life remembered, so maybe it woukd disturb those ill who seek to be unfairly dominant socially and in the society even if they are foreigners valuing some not do healthy culture, and so maybe such lufe would grt destroyed. Which maybe happened already beforehand. So writing of Christmas gnlme like lufe, I would have guessed that also for those who are so ill that they mostly stay kn bed, it would have been good influence if I had a nice well running way to leisirely make home cjores like feels good and needed and keeps home and lufe nice, full of activities when one feels so and with a good quality rationality. But such too has seemed too much for some who want to compete with snything healthy. So maybe there are reasons for not wanting such either, even though it would be good for life. Maybe somewhst fat elderly nurses feel it uncomfortable to be active with the liveliness typical to young people, so I guess they should fknd in their own ways and amounts the needed natural waking to life and to natural pleasant kind of straightforward action, to which tgere coukd suit the advice about honey like atmosphere at .


Tranquil peace and beauty, serene fracturelessness with healthy wisdom of life 

 Try to follw these two advices fully: 

1. An ok angel 

"  ( The Finnish word for an angel is "enkeli", in which "en" means "No, I am not...", and "keli" means weather to travel in, and those both have to be taken into account: freedom to folliw one's likibgs in miral ways, and takkng the situations into account, the situations of all, and folliwing civiluced valyes and healthy wisdom of life. )

27th of April 2024    Learned from changing weathers demanding individual judgement to stay alive, like the melting of the ice cover of a lake in the spring time. 

16th of April 2024   First, follow civiliced values with good quality. Then have some independency, the right to refuse, so as to have some personal fracturelessness and healthy kibd of wisdom in lufe choices. Pay attention to weather like situatiobs: does the thing seem good, wished for in tge world, and for you right now, and for others, kibd of taking the ibfo of feelibgs into accoubt well, since often drawbacks are difficult to put to words, since those are often in another perspective or side or between perspectives, but kind of felt atmospheric fracturelessness in how one is in a landscape may help one notice such and take them wusely into account. "

2. Beneficial for life 


My own home as an adult has sometimes had a honey like atmosphere. I value animals and nature, admire bees, and I tend to think that it is good to leave things at home in a way that is good for life, but sincere enough so as to know where one needs to learn better ways of living. I value wisdom of life a lot and consider good ways of doing important. I think strongly that wishing well in the world and being fair in one's life are important values to follow in practice, always in everything. 

My books 

From my blog 

perjantai 12. heinäkuuta 2024

My new ebook "Of walking in beauty"


   Here in a pile are the books in the series "Of walking in beauty", except the three latest ones. 

 At least to begin with, the series "Of walking in beauty" includes the books (in no special order): 

Of walking in beauty

Weather skills for all climates

Living with the Four Seasons

A sorcerer, books 1. - 3.

My translations of some poems of Eino Leino and Kalevala

Some texts about feelings and wisdom of life

Wonderful, miracle like beings

Magnifient views: and nice to live in

Singing experience of life and healthy natural ages old ways of living


14th of July 2024

maanantai 8. heinäkuuta 2024

"From Alaska to Dwenda, or for those who are travelling in a cold climate"

" 7th of July 2024 

8th of July 2024   Of the name Dwenda, I am good at theoretical thinking, so I suggested a name connected with wise ways of thinking, D, which appear to fit together with the nature, in questions of northmost America the trees there, and a kind of wider fascinating spgere of lufe and of undwrstanding and skills with a tale like charm of the northern forests, snow, nature and the seasons there, like what is the charm of some books there and my view of how to learn new skills, talents and a way of lufe suited to an area that one would like to live in and whose seasons, weathers, type of nature imoressions and their atmospgwre sensstions, etc one is fascinated by. And my imoression about traditional ways of life in the quite north, and of the ways of living of wildlife in the north. But these wete jyst imordssions of a certain style, certain ways of choosing what is comfortable for people, animsls  groups, etc motivated in a certain way, what is a fruotful groubd to build upon together with civiluced wisdom and especially civiluced valyes. And the ibflyencies from the arctic Santa Claus Kand in the North-West Russia at Novaja Zemlja made it possible to choose jyst such that it would be like a nice present or nice presents for the ibdkviduals but with good wuse effects in the world and posdible in practice, for e ample of a right size class in each thing. Or that was the aim. 

It somehow came to my mind to add this video which is in my long text about the Skills of Christmas gnomes, 

" b3.  My own Gaia theory. The domain is no longer valid. Just a story, the link ought to be to , and , maybe also to .

(8.5.2023   The picture of the video are from a cold climare of four seasons, summertime pictures. The paradise theory says that one ought to have climate skills for the climate that one is in. ) 

The video has no sound. "Gaia story" by khtervola 

After the white flowers in the beginning at least most of the outdoor pictures are from our summer cottage in eastern Finland, but I haven't been there for over ten years. People are enthusiasts of different things, via them they rise higher, but not via anything that others happen to like. 

It is important to choose where one lives so that that climate supports just those characteristics and values which one wants to have endlessly without needing to compensate them away and without the features of other climates. This Christmas gnome text's skills are meant to be possible all over the world, so they do not demand a cold climate, but many of them get support from a civiliced society. 
