I was left wondering why often appears thst Asiabs don't feel choosing good wise lufe to be an option for themselves. Did they mix for the ibdividual oneself with working for the masses? https://learntalents11.blogspot.com/2025/02/if-you-have-been-forbidden-or.html
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Saturday, February 22, 2025
A melody about harmony and love in the society
" Just an ateempt at natural feeling basic harmony in a society, kind of common sense and people separate, ages old wisdom followed, nothing special
D, E, A(long), G, E, D, - , A (long), upperC(long), G(long), E, D, G(long)
Not so sure about the lenghts in the latter part
Thoughrs about a vudeo I saw today of a dog playibg guitar or ukukele or something like that, see https://villakoirabanjo.blogspot.com/2025/02/what-to-think-of-talking-animals.html
Monday, February 10, 2025
If one when ill would like to take ideally healthy life as one's forefigure in getting healed
" 10th of February 2025 If one, when ill or wounded, would like to take ideally healthy life as one's forefigure in getting healed, see https://parantamisesta7.blogspot.com/2025/02/if-one-when-ill-would-like-to-take.html
Sunday, February 9, 2025
I am just exhausted
" liked by many, a lot to read, Beautiful tale like worlds that you can get lost into, high talents, tale like fascination of real life with skills talents and wisdom of life, find your place in the world,
I am just exhausted.
I have written too much.
My books at MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com
(My first text was in Finnish "The fate of the human kind and the development of large systems", see https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/01/the-paradise-theory-books.html . But lately I have written mostly about the tale like fascination of real life, of skills for such, mostly of Christmas gnome / elf like life, thinking of the whole world. )
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Wild men?
I saw this video in the video recommendations at www.youtube.com abd it came to my mind that the wild man in the picture looks somehow like a man called Teemu from the Buddhist center in Helsinki almist twenty years ago would have liked to ve such. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NtxZnD6CQ4E
There were also some pictures of baboons, which brought to my mind humans reading Buddhist texts.