maanantai 14. lokakuuta 2019

Engineering does not train observational abilities

Some may think that engineering would develop eyesight, but it does not, since it is just theoreticalm wuthout much conection with life in practice. But engineering may be strenous and boring and cause a need of free time, which then can lead to better eyesight, investing in healthy ways of living and things like that. Engineers are also often called stupid, which causes that they are recommended things that increase intelligence like using eyesight, widening one's understanding of other areas of life, doing practical things at free time, and the like. But engineering itself is much a cause for neglecting observations, since engineering does not handle life and does not understand life and is largely done by sitting reading, using computer and paying attentuon to theoretical and build things only.

Attempt at composing

More like thinking of it. My idea was that usually an emphazis on wisdom of life is needed plus cuvuliced wats and the main current is ages ofl healthy natural ways of living and healthy spirit. I guess that my text could help.

"Friday, December 13, 2019

An attemopt at a kind of love song


perjantai 5. heinäkuuta 2019

Harmony at the level of the society

From my blog

Reaching for Harmony

It is quite early evening on the day Eurovision Song Contest in Israel begins, it is in tv starting klo22 but I have not yet decided if I watch it. I have the feeling that this year it could bring bad luck.
But anyway I tried to compose a melody, even a song about harmony in the society but it turned out to be just a too short piece.
I was thinking of something along the lines of "Live and let others live" 

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5th of July 2019   Another piece:


22th of November 2019   The latter melody might be very valuable, since it's perspective tells how different people suport each the society from their own perspective, like they agree about the arrangements and values being good choices, like they see life in the society working out well. So it appears to be a lasting effect: their own view, but on the other hand it may depand on what kinds of people they discuss with, dop they share the same culture and values. But anyweay, it could be a view that shows that as a being that lives in societies by one's nature, I want to support these valuable arrangements etc in the society for the future generations to come too, for my kids etc. So in a way it is harmony like a civiliced society when it works out in normal ways, without bigger problems, with each person in a job that one likes, values, respects,wouldchoose oneself.

torstai 6. kesäkuuta 2019

Some comments

I watched a beginning of some video that handled meditation in Nepal, at least in the beginning. But Nepal is as far as I know a very Buddhist country, so there was lots of Buddhism and Buddhist doctrine in people's lives and living environment. So it was not like a new beginning when one opens to life and to new things, but more like having gotten used to it and so being in practise like bored. Civilized wisdom like taught in schools and in good quaslity books is what they appeared to need as an addition to their Buddhism: it knows many good answers to what to support in the world and in one's own life, the idea in school is to collect the wisest solutions to be taught to all kids. So it kind of opens to life, like meditation.
Meditation teacher in the video talked about breathing in and out. Like the air escaping from one's nose to the room creates a slight breeze and spreads to the environment, likewise can one's attention slightly touch things, kind of fascinated like breathing in. That is similar to wandering somewhere where there is at least some nature too, coming to new people etc: kind of noticing colours etc, noticing a lot, yet not grasping things intellectually, just enjoying the living like in sports if one happens to like such motion, for exampleletting abicycle roll for a while without pedalling.

I also read something from some Wikipedia article about Buddhism but it seemed to go badly wrong in many places. At least some forms of suffering are results of thinking that the world is rigid like a theory perspective guided by which you live, while it is not and so you are out of tune of what reactions the situation would need. If you would observe better and behave naturally according to the situations it is quite likely that you would not be so much in trouble. Such perspectives are typical when someone else who is young or relies in someone stupid bosses you, for example bacause of being of the same group. It also happens if the one bossing you does not care how you feel. Also if you are in trouble that tends to lift some questions to the front. Only when you find a new approach, like for example a different profession's way of living, it solves other things and leads to a diffeerent situation. So if you choose such changes wisely, it is likely to make you happier. Yet people need some things in their lives and sio having a bigger capacity to observe things and to handle things with wisdom often gives space to maneuver in and so makes you happier. Such capacity can be build upon liking looking and maybe upon having fun in a sports hobby. Also skills in living the wetahrs and admiring the beauty of nature give one a bigger capacity. Since such person is less in trouble he/she can be more peaceful without having needed to choose nonviolence.

sunnuntai 2. kesäkuuta 2019

My old page and my other blogs

My old page about Buddhist enlightenment ought to be but I did not a moment ago get it to load properly.

My ther blogs:
Advices for dating and finding new friends

Moral: why and how

Harmonical choir
Blog about learning skills and about the rationality of feelings

Cure attempts to illnesses 

Healthy ways of living and doing
 Living with the four seasons
World's best problem solving method
Rationally grounded moral

To dream job
Work and free time!!!

About overcoming pitfals in trying as a group or society and the like guide lives with the help of objective pictures pf the world

tiistai 28. toukokuuta 2019

Getting exercise makes one feel relieved and happy

"About recovering from more strenous motion than usually:
The body warm and soft, kind of ball like, in ways that feel good as if comfortably in a sofa.
For returning energy reserves healthy food like on saturdays.
One ought to listen to muscles and limbs and the positions of the body: how the exercise makes them stronger and the good posture that they seek how it brings to the different parts of the body good space to live in and support from the neighbouring parts, health and strenght for the future. One ought to reserve time and eace for the body and mind for this like one listens to the body temperature after sauna, in other words there is a moment for this and otherwise one can be peacefully listening to the atmosphere of the moment, for a monet with a smaller sphere of attention for one to be with a better endurancy and more rested in the future, but just only according to what feels good and right, what the body and one's feelings long for.
If one is restless because of having exercised too much, it is good to move a little bit when one feels so whether it is two seconds or a few minutes, and then rest again when one feels so."
"Recovery and getting wiser
Recovering from more strenous motion than usually and after motion generally makes one feel good and is good for the body and mind.
Recovering after motion can make one wise similarly as waking up in the morning gradually (see point 6. in this blog in the text about healthy ways of living), if the movements are free in the whole body most of the time, like the body and mind each moment feel to be good for them, and not all the time curling or all the time as if one were a piece of bread.
Of the type of motion one ought to think that I got this type of motion now but I intend to keep my possibilities of moving wide, also now as I recover. One oguht not aim at being stiuck to that type of moving that one usually meets.
One needs to let the bpdy find a good posture for each of it's parts, for it's environment too anf for all body parts good possibilities of movement to different directu´ions, even though now largely as intentions, and a good posture for each part, and let the posture be alive and change from moment to moment and bring a good honest sporty way of living, a bouncing step and lots of freed energy and a fresh mind."
Some might like to say that following these advices produces a singer like style, but that is a wording which disturbs a lot the remembering of these advices, so please try to avoid that point of view.
One can learn sports talents this way:
"Do not make plans about how to move but decide each second and each fraction of a second anew what right now feels like the best idea about where to move, how to move, in which style, in which attitude, in which mood, with how much eager interest and quickness resulting from that or relaxed awareness or emotionally motivated force,... So you change all the time, your plans change and you learn to pick each fraction of a second just the things that you like best right then to be your goalsetting right then in practice in your movements. So you feel happy and fulfilled. Be wary of boredom and habits."

Learn talents and skills in areas of life that you love

Please read my texts:

sunnuntai 26. toukokuuta 2019

My text about gnome like life

I tend to get stuck with the English version of my text about gnome like life in the modern wolrd, but I do not know why. Maybe when people tell about their culture something that there isn't much to tell, they tend to tell about things in that direction that generally interest people in their environment, and so it is in a sense quite interesting and in a sense very much like how they live. I do not know, but maybe this could interest Buddhists too: peaceful yet active life.

Gnome like life in the modern world (Finland)

Gnomes (gnome="tonttu"), or more likelily: doing things in ways that have good spirit

It is said that in old times places people lived in has gnames: small maybe knee high men, women and children, often old, that took care of that like things in those spaces. Mostly it is just a tale, but when there is a good spirit somewhere some may say thart  it is as if there were gnomes there, so that it is a way of talking about things running well with good spirit and fractureless happiness like old times countryside. Before Christmas Finns make Christams preparations and Christmas presents claiming that they are Christmas gnomes and it is just a nice way of saying and of doing. Gomes are said to make handiwork presents all the year for Christmas. Gnomes are mostly said to wear a simple grey suit and a red hat that is made from a sactor of a circle.
Here is my text from 7th September 2018. I translate it because it muight interest many, mostly those who feel too much squeezed.

(Obs: This is the main text of this blog post:)

Having read a book about gnomes (The time of "gnomes" or more like the time of gnome like things is not over)

 "I looked at the book Tontun vuosi "Gnome's year" which told about different types of gnomes and gnome tales but did it very shortly mentioning them, interesting though, old time things with good spirit mentioned, but gnomes did not seem to fit as an explanation but instead animals, places fitting to certain kind of things to do, the demands of cultivating things, pleasant time in actyivities, old time well thought of things to do that fit many, even religion and old people who like some thing to do, and in addition the wish of the culture of something (gnome cliff for those who long for rationality). But on the whole it brought to my mind things like an old farm, living with the seasons, happenings of the wild nature, old time wisdom about making choices in life - such that people do not seem to have skills for nowadays, but is it more a question of all living too much in the same places and chores instead of not enjoying their time when they have favourite hobbies or chores of their own and also learning about them nicely then.

 Some gones tales that told about houses brought to my mind that has the house been very sheltered, very respected, and it has just brought this impression of gnomes or respect for gnomes, I mean that the fracturelessness wasn't born from gnomes but instead of such farm or professional being largely very much wanted and so there was a space for it, if the person had alwasy enjoyed such chores, if he/she was reliably, faithfully a good professional in such what was longed for, and taught it to others too. Gnome tales left a taste that all breaks, it aren't good to think about gnomes, but can it be that gnomes interest all the world or at least many and so the shelter of things staying the same is left away and also is left away the same ways of doing things brought by basic skills, even talking about the same things, like once I saw a picture of a cow from Bolivia or Brazil and it was like a giant, so a cattle shelter must be a different kind of thing in Bolivia or wherever it is, but there may of course be same kind of things in it too. So it sounds like that even if the basic thing were different, gnomes inetrest, people would like gnome like things to their lives, and so teaching those things to others would bring room to such for oneself too, I think. But telling about things, for example gnomes, is very different from teaching how to make those kind of things possible in one's own life.
I think that if someone has an enthusiastic hobby with always a new approach, always figuring out new nice things in it, nicely in harmony with the world, then he/she at the same time makes room for himself/herself for it, a calssification for oneself in which to have such hobby and be a support for that hobby in the world, it's enthusiastic supporter, to keep those good sides in one's life and the hobby too. And then if some time the interest mildens, changes to other subjects, but some of that socialbond is left: a view of the place of hobbies in the world, a view of what one oneself fits into and how a person can find one's good correct place in the world.

About teaching to the rest of the wolrd, one, or quite many on the same subject, successful attempt of mine:

The text continues at:
with links to my other texts. And is very long.

13.2.2021   Skills of Christmas gnomes 1. Gnome like life in the modern world (Finland)
Skills of Christmas gnomes 2. Hero like skills
Skills of Christmas gnomes 3. Tale like fascination in everyday real life
Skills of Christmas gnomes 4. Oath like love

Skills of Christmas gnomes 5. Gnomes from the religious point of view 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 6. Some pieces of music  
 Skills of Christmas gnomes 7. Fracturelessness

The whole blog


At the gnome skills text F35. teaches the skill of composing music.

1st of August 2021   If you want to get along with others, moving to live in a town where you sre soulmates with the culture, with the major attractions of the district, it's major professions and main characteristics , and starting toward your dream job give you a comfortable fascinatibg place in the world and make you get along with others. 


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29th of October 2021   Most of my text about the skills of Christmas gnomes is now a book containing parts1. - 9. of ten (the last of which is remarks about making a book etc) of the gnome skills text and quite many of the linked texts. But it is not fully edited. I sent it to the Santa Claus of Finland at Korvatunturi, and as far as I know this is the same version. 

You can buy it at , search "christmas gnome like life", 498 big pages, hardconer, 29,50 usd + post of a big thick book.   Kaisa Hannele Tervola: Skills Of Christmas Gnomes : Christmas gnome like life in the modern world   , ISBN: 9798752282539

Making indoors nice in the summer time

I weonder if women in the tropics in Asia would need this too:

In the summer having made indoors nice affects one's mood a lot indoors. I guess that it ought to be so that the summer's cool weathers feel cool, so that there would be at least a little bit of the skills of staying warm of the other seasons, and hot days hot, so that kind of heat regulation, which at least for me means something with strong colours like of those who like hot and bigger areas quite light and other things fitting together with it but not so striking the eye, for example grey and brown. There ought to be not masses of tiny things like papers at all, especially not near the window, but instead clear, not so demanding, somehow flourishing, bringing a good mood. But I do not know this so well, but women may often in teh summer have a not so good mood because of this, to which helps to spend lots of time outdoors.

(The picture is from the latter half of May from my sunside apartment, which's temperatures maybe now correspond to ordinary Finnish summer temperatures.)"

Living with the town landscape in April

In the same text in the April part there is something of people having heard of Zen Buddhism and how to apply that.
26.5.2019   From my long text about living wisely the four seasons :
"If the town center's landscape that consists mostly of houses and city streets is ugly and makes one feel as if ill, one can look at such landscapes with a more foggy way of looking and look at sunshine, dust etc esthetics and every few seconds look also at people, other living beings and shop windows with a sharp eyesight, seeing also their enviroment sharply, but not attaching to it any more if it alone feels nasty.
The Japanese have a philosophy called Zen Buddhism, which teaches that increasing one's awareness makes one happy (works via healthy ages old ways of living) and skilled (one learns new things and grows in wisdom), but it does not mean grasping a nasty feeling landscape, since in it the idea is to learn also wisdom of life, so that if something feels nasty, one ought not grasp it but instead bypass it and solve it to better state, like the dirt from cars is everywhere near street as a thin net over the snow, while the dark dirt looking by the streets is winter time sand used to prevent excessive gliding on ice. So one should notice the different sides of the phenomena and what is a good approach for each side of each phenomenom."

I add here the pieces of melodies I made for the April and May parts of the text about the seasons:

keskiviikko 6. maaliskuuta 2019

Enlightenment consist of several things

Years ago I read books on Zen Buddhism andlearned quite much about Buddhism from them. But they said that enlightenment would be a single moment via which reach a deeper understanding, but what  have learned is that enlightenment demands several things: valuing th experienced reality, following feelings like choosing free time things freely and a job that one likes a lot, sports and healthy ways of living, civilized wisdom and civilized ways of good will that is healthy in spirit but positive for happy life and for individual freedom in harmony with the rest of the society and of the world.

maanantai 4. maaliskuuta 2019

Some comments to Asian ways

Do many Asians learn Buddhist meditation in childhood but use it years later after years of school and other education in their work? Is it then lower level intelligence, kind of technical like child's first guesses about some subject, instead of a widening of one's sphere of attention like reaching for some nice free time hobby?
As far as I understand, meditation is best as short time learning experience, not as a trick to use when the situation isn't spiritual, athletic or the like, I mean with a wider sphere of attention by ordinary civilized measures.

Do some Asians have kind of static theory perspective and think that making it better would demand meditation in motion? But instead it demands photograpf like thinking (see and then adding video like observation ability to it.

31.8.2021   I have a book about Sanskrit which I have not read almist at all  but today I hapoened to look at the fat weird figure in the cover and it gave an imoression that Asians do not quite know what they lack in wisdom of lufe. I think that the lacking part is looking at a natural tree branch or the like with the branch in sight with all leaves in it, undisturbed, beautiful, not painted, not too clishee like, might be a photograpf. Such ought to be  part of the dsily lufe, atmosphwric, besutiful, good for the sense of sight, a piece of nature.