Sunday, May 26, 2019

My text about gnome like life

I tend to get stuck with the English version of my text about gnome like life in the modern wolrd, but I do not know why. Maybe when people tell about their culture something that there isn't much to tell, they tend to tell about things in that direction that generally interest people in their environment, and so it is in a sense quite interesting and in a sense very much like how they live. I do not know, but maybe this could interest Buddhists too: peaceful yet active life.

Gnome like life in the modern world (Finland)

Gnomes (gnome="tonttu"), or more likelily: doing things in ways that have good spirit

It is said that in old times places people lived in has gnames: small maybe knee high men, women and children, often old, that took care of that like things in those spaces. Mostly it is just a tale, but when there is a good spirit somewhere some may say thart  it is as if there were gnomes there, so that it is a way of talking about things running well with good spirit and fractureless happiness like old times countryside. Before Christmas Finns make Christams preparations and Christmas presents claiming that they are Christmas gnomes and it is just a nice way of saying and of doing. Gomes are said to make handiwork presents all the year for Christmas. Gnomes are mostly said to wear a simple grey suit and a red hat that is made from a sactor of a circle.
Here is my text from 7th September 2018. I translate it because it muight interest many, mostly those who feel too much squeezed.

(Obs: This is the main text of this blog post:)

Having read a book about gnomes (The time of "gnomes" or more like the time of gnome like things is not over)

 "I looked at the book Tontun vuosi "Gnome's year" which told about different types of gnomes and gnome tales but did it very shortly mentioning them, interesting though, old time things with good spirit mentioned, but gnomes did not seem to fit as an explanation but instead animals, places fitting to certain kind of things to do, the demands of cultivating things, pleasant time in actyivities, old time well thought of things to do that fit many, even religion and old people who like some thing to do, and in addition the wish of the culture of something (gnome cliff for those who long for rationality). But on the whole it brought to my mind things like an old farm, living with the seasons, happenings of the wild nature, old time wisdom about making choices in life - such that people do not seem to have skills for nowadays, but is it more a question of all living too much in the same places and chores instead of not enjoying their time when they have favourite hobbies or chores of their own and also learning about them nicely then.

 Some gones tales that told about houses brought to my mind that has the house been very sheltered, very respected, and it has just brought this impression of gnomes or respect for gnomes, I mean that the fracturelessness wasn't born from gnomes but instead of such farm or professional being largely very much wanted and so there was a space for it, if the person had alwasy enjoyed such chores, if he/she was reliably, faithfully a good professional in such what was longed for, and taught it to others too. Gnome tales left a taste that all breaks, it aren't good to think about gnomes, but can it be that gnomes interest all the world or at least many and so the shelter of things staying the same is left away and also is left away the same ways of doing things brought by basic skills, even talking about the same things, like once I saw a picture of a cow from Bolivia or Brazil and it was like a giant, so a cattle shelter must be a different kind of thing in Bolivia or wherever it is, but there may of course be same kind of things in it too. So it sounds like that even if the basic thing were different, gnomes inetrest, people would like gnome like things to their lives, and so teaching those things to others would bring room to such for oneself too, I think. But telling about things, for example gnomes, is very different from teaching how to make those kind of things possible in one's own life.
I think that if someone has an enthusiastic hobby with always a new approach, always figuring out new nice things in it, nicely in harmony with the world, then he/she at the same time makes room for himself/herself for it, a calssification for oneself in which to have such hobby and be a support for that hobby in the world, it's enthusiastic supporter, to keep those good sides in one's life and the hobby too. And then if some time the interest mildens, changes to other subjects, but some of that socialbond is left: a view of the place of hobbies in the world, a view of what one oneself fits into and how a person can find one's good correct place in the world.

About teaching to the rest of the wolrd, one, or quite many on the same subject, successful attempt of mine:

The text continues at:
with links to my other texts. And is very long.

13.2.2021   Skills of Christmas gnomes 1. Gnome like life in the modern world (Finland)
Skills of Christmas gnomes 2. Hero like skills
Skills of Christmas gnomes 3. Tale like fascination in everyday real life
Skills of Christmas gnomes 4. Oath like love

Skills of Christmas gnomes 5. Gnomes from the religious point of view 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 6. Some pieces of music  
 Skills of Christmas gnomes 7. Fracturelessness

The whole blog


At the gnome skills text F35. teaches the skill of composing music.

1st of August 2021   If you want to get along with others, moving to live in a town where you sre soulmates with the culture, with the major attractions of the district, it's major professions and main characteristics , and starting toward your dream job give you a comfortable fascinatibg place in the world and make you get along with others. 


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29th of October 2021   Most of my text about the skills of Christmas gnomes is now a book containing parts1. - 9. of ten (the last of which is remarks about making a book etc) of the gnome skills text and quite many of the linked texts. But it is not fully edited. I sent it to the Santa Claus of Finland at Korvatunturi, and as far as I know this is the same version. 

You can buy it at , search "christmas gnome like life", 498 big pages, hardconer, 29,50 usd + post of a big thick book.   Kaisa Hannele Tervola: Skills Of Christmas Gnomes : Christmas gnome like life in the modern world   , ISBN: 9798752282539

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