Reaching for Harmony
But anyway I tried to compose a melody, even a song about harmony in the society but it turned out to be just a too short piece.
I was thinking of something along the lines of "Live and let others live" http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2012/10/live-and-let-others-live.html
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5th of July 2019 Another piece:
22th of November 2019 The latter melody might be very valuable, since it's perspective tells how different people suport each the society from their own perspective, like they agree about the arrangements and values being good choices, like they see life in the society working out well. So it appears to be a lasting effect: their own view, but on the other hand it may depand on what kinds of people they discuss with, dop they share the same culture and values. But anyweay, it could be a view that shows that as a being that lives in societies by one's nature, I want to support these valuable arrangements etc in the society for the future generations to come too, for my kids etc. So in a way it is harmony like a civiliced society when it works out in normal ways, without bigger problems, with each person in a job that one likes, values, respects,wouldchoose oneself.
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