Monday, January 4, 2021

About Buddhism and Buddhists

 There are many kinds of Buddhists: people of different incliunations, different level of wisdom of life and of diffewrent countries with a different relationship to Buddhist traditions. 

Buddhist teachings are very rational: they d´say that increased observational capacities are benefical for skills and for happiness too. So people interested in objective thinking but who have a not so good observational skills or habits, are one typical group to check Buddhism too, if it would have anything of value to give to them. 

Enlightenment is said to give continuous happiness, but such is due wisdfom of life increased by meditation, i.e. by observing more things with the aim wisdom of life. It is also said that after some skill level things just go better, but such is typical of skills at large. It is also saud that enliughtenment is like a revelation or other moment ofunderstanding new things, but it more like seems that increasedobservational skills give an increased understanding which helps to reveal many things, many ideas, and the enlightenment itself isjust more wisdom of life, more inclined to happiness, atmospheres etc, and so affects that way is´nstead of learning as one reveleation like via social influences from years older and much more skilled yet interested in the same areas of life.

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