See 1st September 2021 st
Oh, I copy it here: "
1st of September 2021 Money for music or for a puppy that one likes or for the poor and quite poor, money for food, money for farmers who lack money, etc, money for buying a white curing (nurse oriented or the like) animal friend, money for living around voluntary labour for religiously motivated good causes, money for sports, recreation in nature and hobbies, etc, see I 105. in this text about the skills of Christmas gnomes . The idea was curing by my Finnish blog , partially translated at , by reading aloud or by email or chat copying and pasting primarily from the index but also the needed texts. Paying only if gets cured inside 5min, payment some 20%of local medicine centre basic fee per cured illness, special pay for miracle cures. But I do not have the possibility for such since I am already too much in the subject because of having written the blog. "
60. Paisn when giving birth and adapting to the situation 14.6.2015
61. Paisn during menstruation and candy 14.6.2015
105. The perspectives of others feeling painful and living along with those persons too 23.8.2015
175. Pain ina knee and keeping the knee ina right natural position 24.11.2015
178. Pains from lack of energy and warmth & activity with positive mindset 25.11.2015
muscle pains after sports 210. Milk acid(???) in muscles and a way of moving according to temptations & softening afterwards 17.12.2015
pains A261. MStomach aches and correcting life choises tyo be according to feelings 24.1.2016
A335. Lower back pain and not to comment the work of another one when he/she is just finishing doing it and not later either 21.5.2016
pains A336. Rheumatism and warmer body 21.5.2016
A343. Mildening pain and room for feelings 18.6.2016
A371. Crippled pain (Kihti) and ivesting in teh sides in life which taste more like life 21.8.2016
B384. Chronical pains and a body that is thoroughly warm 26.8.2016
B385. Local pain in the back (noidannuoli) and warmth, feeling positive and stomach muscles carry 1.9.2016
B438. Feeling like full & with pains and touching lightly in a mildening way to far from the pains 20.1.2017
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