sunnuntai 2. kesäkuuta 2024

An old Finnish (N-E European) song "A crying flute"


"A crying flute


I made out ofa small leaf tree ajoyous flute,

but I did not get a sound to it;

I thought: my happinesses' godmother hasn't delivered my music player's talent,

Sing singeli, haven't delivered talents, 

I showed the flute to all around. 


I saw a mosquito: "Hi mosquito, hear,

Blow to my flute a soul and spirit!" 

"Sun shines, I do not have time!" 

Murmured the misquito, the servant of twilight,

Sing singeli, tge servant of twilight,

and my flute shone glitteringly in the daylight. 


I travelled the trade routes of the world,

I asked for a tune from there and there.

Those shoke their heads and talked with gestures 

And the did not know the language of the one who asked from them, 

Sing singeli, the language of the one who asked, 

And my flute got ugly rusty. 


At that I cried aloud, 

my unhealthily yelliw face I hided in the darkness, 

and I thought: now I want to die; 

my lousy flute I dropped to the ground, 

Sing singelu, dropped to the ground, 

And right then sang the flute. 


My humming flute I lifted to my lips, 

my fingers rowed and repeated tunes, 

Sorrow melted, was found a flood of religious songs, wonderful sun rays reached my soul, 

Sing singeli sun rays reached my soul, 

And my flute cried of joy. "

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