maanantai 10. kesäkuuta 2024

As if like wine?, and of summer skills


"  In the news it was that from today onwards it is alliwed to sell wines etc in food shops. I have wondered if it connects with my healing blogs (nice, miracle healing) to which there is nowadays the shorter addresss , and the Finnish original . And to my blogs/books about the skills for a Christmas gnome like life, see , which I feel has often been longed for and liked by many. 

I myself am an absolutist, have never felt a need for wine, and very rarely a wish for such either. Only sometimes when due to some social ibfluencies life has appeared grey and feeling kind of rough, I have momentarily felt it nice if there has clne the smell of red wine from somewhere. My ordinary life experience is more coloyrful and with wisdom of lufe, largely pleasant in what comes to the effect of my own choices, so there rarely is any need for such major clumsy fixing attempts as wine or drugs or strong social influencies from others or the advices of the not-so-wise. But so I came to think how could I bring such pleasant feelibg wisdom of lufe to those who wish for such. These texts of mine are one source. Backed up of course by the ordibary good sources of needed pleasantness like basic civiliced wisdom, the media and shops, and things arranged by the society like hobby courses, different kinds of places to live in, etc. 

But if one thinks of momentary experience of life, I think I maybe could learn to make covers of decoration cushions that could make one's life st home feel more pleasant. A typical decoration cushion is quite square, maybe about 40cm x 40cm, and kind thick in a fluffy way but such tgat it softens if one puts it between  some hard edge and oneself while one sits. 

A decoration cushion cover could be of a rough middle orange fabric like rough cotton but maybe with a more plastic, kind of shiny and somewhat hard surface, i.e. thread. And have a round embroided? picture (only on one side, and the other side same colour as the background) on white or light grey, like a circle somewhat wheel like but with an edge like the edge of castle's walls in traditional pictures, and inside the circle on not-so-strong lines something that is of a tile structure like but chosen so that the figure brings to mind the atmosphere of wheat and it's seeds.

Or then similarly middle orange cudhion of a silk like even surface on which one can paint or print a picture of a bunch of blue with shades changing, almost white, maybe purple, flower bunch with somewhat hiirenvirna like flower forms but quite big, and "kielo" type of big leaves at least on sides. This could have a slightly bluish grey background of a circle form and maybe a dark green thin embroidey lije adge. 

In the picture my old decoration cushions that I have bought years ago and liked. 

The guitar in the picture I haven't played, since it's one string is broken and 6 strings does not suit me. I used to have a green guitar bag and it was nice, but the black bag does not seem a good idea for me. 

I haven't played lately music almost all. It seems to be in the air that summers and the warm weathers in warmer countries go often so wrong, that it is better to let the singing birds care alone for summer music, and try to see what it ought to be like. For those who feel ill or are with stomach pain, it seems that speedy wandering kind of music suits only cool and cold weathers, while the individual woukd recover and feel well with a round hot day like sphere of attention, each person separately like feels good for oneself, mostly for oneself only, not moving so much or moving just lije seems to suit the way one feels, what is the occasion like snd the weather and what has lately brought a good feeling, made one able to take part in life without pains etc. 

Just came to my mind an old type of mostly white garden pair swing where there is room only for 1,5 adults on each side, two round formed stools of maybe 2-3cm wide wood strips with some air flowing in between and making also dryingafter rain easief, the stools facing each other and joined by a maybe 1m flat platform in between, and those hanging from a propably wooden? Similaylr painted frame, somewhat A-lije tilted sides, not square, and so the swings swing in unision in tge half-shadow of near-by trees. And it is just pleasant, not so speedily wsing like, at least motly. Similarly spending time in a garden, with ice cream, strawberries, or fresh sallad, and lots of fresh water to drink. If one needs something more food like, it is better to eat a piece of bread or some fresh carrot or ordinary good food, than to replace the drinks with stronger, since one anyway needs ordinary foods to stay healthh, even tjpugh in the summer the amounts vary from fresh vegetable sallad to the ordinary food of autumn and spring, which also on hot weathers are needed at least once a week. 

Similarly the weathers need to be experienced and estimated momentarily, changing one's ways of living from moment to moment, a few seconds at a time, like for example coming out from a tourist attractiong in an old wooden house, experiencing the weather just when coming out and in the stairs indoors air mixed with outdoors air, then a few steps on the sand pavement feeling the weather, then passing near a flourishkng bush leaves still wet from rain, then the sand road coming to a car road, following the car road to a parking lit and one's car, etc. 

Likewise the sights in the summer go in a more pleasant way as if the types of nature and the atmospheric things were separate small round formed (like a tree or bush with fallen leaves or flowers around it) spaces of their own kind, kind of found treasures like some beautiful tall grasses roadside, the sound of one's shoes when walking on the pavement, a glimpse of clouds, an openibg between trees as if framed by leaves, birdsong in the air, the cultural miljo mixed with garden flowers, etc. As if somewhat like the very small (10cm x 10cm?) paintings sold for hanging on a wall, like for example of flowers or of sailboats, etc.


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