Saturday, May 22, 2021

Answers to some famous koans

Koan: What is the sound of one hand clapping?

My answer: "The error is doing something to which you need two parts with one part only. The one psrt id your mind and the other part you need is the experienced reality. "

 Koan: Two monks travelled on a road and the oklder one of them carried a woman over some muddy part of the road. Later the younger monk said to the older monk that wasn't it against the ethics of monks to go so close a woman, to which the older monk replied that he left the womanroadside a long time ago, are you still carrying her?

My answer "A sexual affair is a social thing: who bonds, remembers dreams, is sexual, and not who was vlosest on an indifferent attitude, soon forgetting the woman."

 Koan: A young monk came to a monastery and asked for being taught. So he was asked, had he eaten already, yes, then go wash your bowl.

 My answer:   "Just live your basic life like is the ages old human nature. Live at the level of experienced reality but with kind of religiously wide awareness and wider wisdom, live with feelings, moral and your ages old nature."