Thursday, September 2, 2021

Money for Buddhist ways of living

   See  1st September 2021 st   

Oh, I copy it here:   "

1st of September 2021   Money for music or for a puppy that one likes or for the poor and quite poor, money for food, money for farmers who lack money, etc, money for buying a white curing (nurse oriented or the like) animal friend, money for living around voluntary labour for religiously motivated good causes, money for sports, recreation in nature and hobbies, etc, see I 105. in this text about the skills of Christmas gnomes . The idea was curing by my Finnish blog , partially translated at , by reading aloud or by email or chat copying and pasting primarily from the index but also the needed texts. Paying only if gets cured inside 5min, payment some 20%of local medicine centre basic fee per cured illness, special pay for miracle cures. But I do not have the possibility for such since I am already too much in the subject because of having written the blog. "


 Curing illnesses and the like almost immediately, without any treatments and without medicine, works just by reading and understanding, or no effect.   A quotation from the index:
"58. Pains and carefully with one's whole way of life avoiding hirting  13.6.2015
60. Paisn when giving birth and adapting to the situation  14.6.2015
61. Paisn during menstruation and candy  14.6.2015
105. The perspectives of others feeling painful and living along with those persons too  23.8.2015
175. Pain ina knee and keeping the knee ina right natural position  24.11.2015
178. Pains from lack of energy and warmth & activity with positive mindset  25.11.2015
muscle pains after sports   210. Milk acid(???) in muscles and a way of moving according to temptations & softening afterwards  17.12.2015
pains   A261. MStomach aches and correcting life choises tyo be according to feelings   24.1.2016
A335.   Lower back pain and not to comment the work of another one when he/she is just finishing doing it and not later either   21.5.2016
pains   A336. Rheumatism and warmer body   21.5.2016
A343. Mildening pain and room for feelings    18.6.2016
A371. Crippled pain (Kihti) and ivesting in teh sides in life which taste more like life  21.8.2016 
B384. Chronical pains and a body that is thoroughly warm   26.8.2016
B385. Local pain in the back (noidannuoli) and warmth, feeling positive and stomach muscles carry   1.9.2016
B438. Feeling like full & with pains and touching lightly in a mildening way to far from the pains   20.1.2017

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Body temperature 34,5C

 If one's body is too hot, one is dizzy and stupid, yet often comgortable. If one's body is too cool, one gets stiff and melancholic, maybe aggressive. If one's bofy tempersture is right  healthy  then action and sports are pleasant and work well, one is happy and relieved and hsd lots of wisdom of life. To me the roght bpdy tempersture is spnething like 34,5Celcius.

Sunday, June 13, 2021


 Buddhism says among other things that attachement causes suffering. Such attachement means putting things to thought form and expecting them to follow such laws, anticipating things going so and tying one's happiness to thst thibgs would be so. Instead of just living the life  without guessing the guture or laws, judt respecting values and enjoying life in the living, an ever changing sensed world, natural ages old lufe.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Answers to some famous koans

Koan: What is the sound of one hand clapping?

My answer: "The error is doing something to which you need two parts with one part only. The one psrt id your mind and the other part you need is the experienced reality. "

 Koan: Two monks travelled on a road and the oklder one of them carried a woman over some muddy part of the road. Later the younger monk said to the older monk that wasn't it against the ethics of monks to go so close a woman, to which the older monk replied that he left the womanroadside a long time ago, are you still carrying her?

My answer "A sexual affair is a social thing: who bonds, remembers dreams, is sexual, and not who was vlosest on an indifferent attitude, soon forgetting the woman."

 Koan: A young monk came to a monastery and asked for being taught. So he was asked, had he eaten already, yes, then go wash your bowl.

 My answer:   "Just live your basic life like is the ages old human nature. Live at the level of experienced reality but with kind of religiously wide awareness and wider wisdom, live with feelings, moral and your ages old nature."

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Tao Te Ching, suomenkielinen käännös, Tervola

 Joskus yli kymmenen vuotta sitten ( joko tammi-tai helmikuussa 2009 tai aiemmin, 2008 tai 2007, luulen. ) kokeeksi käänsin Tao Te Ching'iä, sen erinomaista englanninkielistä Stephen Mitchellin käännöstä ( )  suomeksi, mutta sitten hukkasin tekstini, ja eilen löysin, mutten oel lukenut sitä läpi, ja äskern skannasin tekstin kuviksi, mutta käänsin vain osan luvuistra:

( 19. maaliskuuta 2024   Kännökstekstini oli kai keväällä 2009 (vai vähän aiemmin?) tietokoneelleni kirjoittamani, mutta sitten joskus päiviä tai jopa kuunausiamyöhemmin printtasin sen, mutta siinä oli jotain vikaa, ja niin kauhistuin ja laitoin koko tekstin pois mielestäni. Äsken kun luin alkua, niin siinä yht'äkkiä olikin jokin viittaus seksiin (jostain esp tms kautta ilmassa mielikuva, että kummallisen sosiaalispainitteisen näkökulman ilmaus "aina läsnä syvimmällä sinussa" tarkoittaa että sosiaalisesti dominantti ruutumallinen mies raiskaa naisen.), kun olisi pitänyt olla viittaus elollisen ikiaikaiseen luontoon, siis ihmisen, eläinten ym perustoimintojen perusperiaatteisiin, joita mm on mielestäni nähdyssä luontomaisemassa kulkeminen, näköaisti hahmottaa rakenteita, tunnelmataju ja ymmärrys selventävät niistä luotua maisemakuvaa, joka on jokseenkin perustyyppi maailmankuvasta, maisema, jossa elämme. Sekä toiminnassa että havainnoissa tunnevireiden huomioiminen auttaa oppimaan oaremman taitotason, siinä mielessä ikiaikaisen peruslulntomme osasista myös tunteet ja tunnelmasävyt, tuntein ja ymmärryksellä hahmotetut tavoitteet ohjaavat kohti parast toimivknta elämäbtapaa, ja noihin nyansseihin ja luonnollisiin toimivimpiin ja maailmassa elollusen ym rakenteeltaan siihen rinnastuvan kannalta parhaisiin vaivtoehtoihin maailnassa keskittyminen nostaa taitotasoa entusestään, mikä on jotenkin laulumainen näkökulma, elämän suuri laulu, mistä on jokin lainaus to ttutaitokirjoituksessani sekä sävellystaidon ohjeissani tms blogissa

Niin että en kai ole tuota pidemmälle lukenut tätä tekstiä, missä piti olla oma filosofinen näkemykseni eikä mustaa magiaa. )

Monday, January 4, 2021

About Buddhism and Buddhists

 There are many kinds of Buddhists: people of different incliunations, different level of wisdom of life and of diffewrent countries with a different relationship to Buddhist traditions. 

Buddhist teachings are very rational: they d´say that increased observational capacities are benefical for skills and for happiness too. So people interested in objective thinking but who have a not so good observational skills or habits, are one typical group to check Buddhism too, if it would have anything of value to give to them. 

Enlightenment is said to give continuous happiness, but such is due wisdfom of life increased by meditation, i.e. by observing more things with the aim wisdom of life. It is also said that after some skill level things just go better, but such is typical of skills at large. It is also saud that enliughtenment is like a revelation or other moment ofunderstanding new things, but it more like seems that increasedobservational skills give an increased understanding which helps to reveal many things, many ideas, and the enlightenment itself isjust more wisdom of life, more inclined to happiness, atmospheres etc, and so affects that way is´nstead of learning as one reveleation like via social influences from years older and much more skilled yet interested in the same areas of life.