Wednesday, July 20, 2022

A spiritual master

 "    N91.   A bird in a nearby tree here where i luve in an apartment jouse, seemed to ssy that it has obvious talent like the famous Finnish poet Eino Leino's, i mean that the bird has talents and scenic views. But the birds have a too rough tough life, have lots of skills but die often very young. But i wanted to make this possible, right where you live. There is a Christmas song kn which a man waits for his spiritual master for a visit, ha does not come but the man meets three people in trouble and helps them, and in the evening kn a dream the master says : " I visited you today three times." There right outside your window is the singing bird, the master to learn from even if you do not always understand whst the bird says. A saying says :" When the student is ready, a master appears.", meaning that when you have wisdom of lufe, beautigul values and dedicated motivation, you can yourself fill much of the task so that someone's input on your wished for area of spirityal growth can be backed up by your own input so that you can rise higher than ever before even if you cannot just copy from a master so that that would be all thst is needed. Like a wished for holiday is better for visiting some place etc. 


From my text Skills of Christmas gnomes 

A singer

  From my text Skills of Christmas gnomes 

 "  N88.   20th of July 2022   Eino Leino wrote ( my translation) :

"...  See, a human feels sorrow and joy

and a human feels and lives.

But a singer wanders and listens

and in her/his ears kanteles play.

Those play, play days

and nights, those echo from far away, so far away.

And a singer wanders and listens

and a singer hears and - sings. "

Life has it's own rythms, like lifting one's glace when one is aware of one's environment, or running a short distance, or how the feel of rainy weather affects how one comes in. Those rythms are kind of like songs, and having started something natural and pleasant in one's everyday lufe one knows how to continue it, kind of saying yes i was singing this song and the other natural refreshibg songs of my daily life. But it is more like lufe singing than any memorized melody. 


The poem is the ending from the poem Yƶlaulu = Nightsong in Eino Leino's poetry book Laulun lahja = The talent/gift of songs/singing.