Sunday, December 27, 2020

About food and meditation

 Do Asians try to meditate, then go and drink tea and replace meditation with tea? Tea or food gives energy, and with enough energy life is much more pleasant and wise.We Finns use so little energy and eat so healthily that we have always so much energy, and so life is just nice. But we do not eat lots of meat on one meal and then long time just vegetables, like seems more close to Asianb ways, but instead we eat healthily on every meal so that we have a good amopunt of all kind of nutritients that we need in our lives. There is an advice for what is healthy: of a meal 1/3 ought to be vegetables, 1/3 to 1/2 rise, potatoes or the like, 1/5 to 1/3 meat, chocken, fish or the like. In addition some milk and a piece of bread with butter or the like on it, is also recommended but such is more often a snack between meals. There is another rule too: eat something like feels good and brings you energy and good mood, is good for life for the next few hours or so, eat something so from each of the fiuve groups of foods on every meal: 1. vegetables, fruits and berries, 2. meat, chicken, fish,soya, some nuts, 3. butter etc, 4. milk products, 5. bread and the like.

I guess agitated mood from eating vegetables comes from thinking too much that vegetables would bring energy. Instead Finns get energy from healthy natural things that tjey likem like hobbies, beauty of nature, sports, weather, friends, interesting things to read, etc

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