If one does not feel well, it often helps to follow civiliced views of healthy ways of living much more diligently. It is often so that some person or oersons in one's living environment, especially social relationships, can bwar something well while you yoyrself cannot. So check things lije does your work suit you, is it your type of oerson's good healthy nice everyday activity, or should you choose some job that suits you much better. Is the air fresh, does it help if you ventilate the room or apartment? Is there bacteria or some unhealthy remains of some food or whatever on your skin, would it help if you go wash yourself in a shower and change to clean clothes? Does your diet suppky you with the nutritients that you need and that make you feel good for a few hours or longer, always? Do you choise healthy kind of food if you can choose yourself? Other foods can have drawbacks. Do you have the healthy habits that your wide environment supposes you to have, like animals might suppise that you sometimes eat grass, while most would suppise Asians eating quite often at least a luttle bit of cooked ordinary Asian rise.
Smoking cigarettes or tending to prefer some unhealthy substancies on skin or in the living environment, often connects with wanting a work with similar theory perspective or other burden. So finding such a job, even part-time would cure away the need for cugarettes or other unhealthy substancies. Adjust the amount of work until it is right for you, whike fitting into the society in healthy ways.
24.4.2024 "... Some influencies of not feeling well, seemed to connect with not having an ok idea of what would be the correct diet for oneself. I add here my impression of the food they need : tattaria, vaaleaa kastiketta johon lisätty soijaa, kaakkoisaasialaisen tyylustä viileää vihannesriiriä, jossa etikkaa ja vettä kastikkeena, kai myös kesäsalaattia. Jos kaipaa rasvaa, niin ehkä ruokalusikallinen lihan rasvaa tai ruokaöljyä, myös mahdollinen kauraleipäoala margariinilla. Vihannesriisin sekaan voi sotkea kinkkusuikalepussin, jos kaipaa lihaa ruokaan. Mahdollusesti rypäletuoremehua tms vajaa lasillinen tms. Mahdollusesti ruuan kanssa kermaviiliä max purkillinen. Paisteetu parsa mahdollinen muuateria, kenties tofun kanssa, jotain nestettä pannukka, ja aterialla mahd. myös mungopavun ituja ja kermaviiliä tuoreen tillin kanssa. "
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