lauantai 20. huhtikuuta 2024

About enough money


A22.   Of having written 25 years without pay but very valuable things like my objective paradise theory, feelings etc for computers, the thinking course, advices for living the four seasons, over a thousand seemingly good attempts at advices about healing by healthy natural ways of living, and this five years about Christmas gnome like lufe. Of this I have concluded that working life and money does not work like I was told as younger. Yet I think thst if I do something valuable and good willing in the world  yet comfortable and quite easy st ghe level of individual luves, it does not go completely unobserved, I have some place, and it means that also the use of money goes via some more vague logic than engineering. I guess that for a good cause one can have money but not for unwise life chouces. One is often wanted someshere where one's personal likings and strenghts lead one but one does not necessarily know of such places  since relatives etc are not trustworthy enough to have told even if they knew of such, and maybe they were socially too fifferent. So I feel ghat if one lives in a good way from the point of view of working lufe and the good of the world, wisdom of life, etc and does not check diligently how much money one has one may have enough for such a way of lufe, and maybe one could also make handicrafts that way, like seems adviced by the shopkeeper whose products suit your valyes, but not spending blindly and not too much, just trying a little to see how it works out, but if the money just somehow is enough, maybe the handicrafts are even for free or like works out to where each piece is fairly for the good of the world. But I do not know. The money system cannot work engineer like if one working via the i ternet kn the tropics can save all the heating costs and have lots of superfluous money each month without really being such a good influence to the world. 
Sometimes something is just wanted.


tiistai 16. huhtikuuta 2024

An ok angel, Moomin harmony, traditional Finnish wisdom of life

 "  The Finnish word for an angel is "enkeli", in which "en" means "No, I am not...", and "keli" means weather to travel in, and those both have to be taken into account: freedom to folliw one's likibgs in miral ways, and takkng the situations into account, the situations of all, and folliwing civiluced valyes and healthy wisdom of life. 

16th of April 2024   First, follow civiliced values with good quality. Then have some independency, the right to refuse, so as to have some personal fracturelessness and healthy kibd of wisdom in lufe choices. Pay attention to weather like situatiobs: does the thing seem good, wished for in tge world, and for you right now, and for others, kibd of taking the ibfo of feelibgs into accoubt well, since often drawbacks are difficult to put to words, since those are often in another perspective or side or between perspectives, but kind of felt atmospheric fracturelessness in how one is in a landscape may help one notice such and take them wusely into account. 

See also


( Miracle healing advices i.e. )



lauantai 13. huhtikuuta 2024

Beauty of weather skills


"   "Heat regulation etc skills advice for all climates

 This works only if you know the climate, are tuned to it, and not just travelling as a tourist.

Pay attentiln tl the air around, warmth, cool or coldness at different distancies, possible sunlight areas, shadows, indoor air, breeze, etc, and the quality of air, mostness, saltiness, dryness etc, and so also of other qualities, and your own state of body and mind and way of being social, so that you have some sensed atmospheric and largely understood idea of the situation, including clothes you wear and what body heat balance, moisture eyc are near by the clothes.

From liking melodic music, and from watching or having watched the way plants' branches grow curvingly toward light, from these there usually comes to at least some parts of the hands and feet and of the central body a natural sense of posture that is effortless and good for moving and feeling well, kind of natural wisdom of the body, seen at least along the limbs' central muscles and like the spine carrying the person naturally in a posture that is good for moving, musical, feels well. Kind of relugiously wish - as if from looking them from the sides, for example hand by their side and not actuslly being there in the muscle oneself with one's clumsy thoughts, social ways etc - these naturally wise musical nature like wise parts of your body-mind to tune your heat regulatiln, moisture regulatiln etc, also what clothes to wear, toward which styles or whatever tune your social ways, etc so that the natural effect is cooling or warming and whatever needez, just right for the situation. You should seek for tuning that is good in the lobg run too, for example is well prepared for temperature variations of the next few days plus adapted to the climate. 


So you have some idea of how to live well in such a climate. Then just live aling those advices, as if you had wished for such good sides in your ways of living, as if it were art that you like, music or prayer to live along, a good complex understanding of lufe but natural like sensations, mysic and instinct nature.


perjantai 5. huhtikuuta 2024

Tao-Te-Ching, a Finnish interpretation of some parts of the Asian Chinese old classic

  Joskus yli kymmenen vuotta sitten ( joko tammi-tai helmikuussa 2009 tai aiemmin, 2008 tai 2007, luulen. ) kokeeksi käänsin Tao Te Ching'iä, sen erinomaista englanninkielistä Stephen Mitchellin käännöstä ( )  suomeksi, mutta sitten hukkasin tekstini, ja eilen löysin, mutten oel lukenut sitä läpi, ja äskern skannasin tekstin kuviksi, mutta käänsin vain osan luvuistra:

( 19. maaliskuuta 2024   Kännökstekstini oli kai keväällä 2009 (vai vähän aiemmin?) tietokoneelleni kirjoittamani, mutta sitten joskus päiviä tai jopa kuunausiamyöhemmin printtasin sen, mutta siinä oli jotain vikaa, ja niin kauhistuin ja laitoin koko tekstin pois mielestäni. Äsken kun luin alkua, niin siinä yht'äkkiä olikin jokin viittaus seksiin (jostain esp tms kautta ilmassa mielikuva, että kummallisen sosiaalispainitteisen näkökulman ilmaus "aina läsnä syvimmällä sinussa" tarkoittaa että sosiaalisesti dominantti ruutumallinen mies raiskaa naisen.), kun olisi pitänyt olla viittaus elollisen ikiaikaiseen luontoon, siis ihmisen, eläinten ym perustoimintojen perusperiaatteisiin, joita mm on mielestäni nähdyssä luontomaisemassa kulkeminen, näköaisti hahmottaa rakenteita, tunnelmataju ja ymmärrys selventävät niistä luotua maisemakuvaa, joka on jokseenkin perustyyppi maailmankuvasta, maisema, jossa elämme. Sekä toiminnassa että havainnoissa tunnevireiden huomioiminen auttaa oppimaan oaremman taitotason, siinä mielessä ikiaikaisen peruslulntomme osasista myös tunteet ja tunnelmasävyt, tuntein ja ymmärryksellä hahmotetut tavoitteet ohjaavat kohti parast toimivknta elämäbtapaa, ja noihin nyansseihin ja luonnollisiin toimivimpiin ja maailmassa elollusen ym rakenteeltaan siihen rinnastuvan kannalta parhaisiin vaivtoehtoihin maailnassa keskittyminen nostaa taitotasoa entusestään, mikä on jotenkin laulumainen näkökulma, elämän suuri laulu, mistä on jokin lainaus to ttutaitokirjoituksessani sekä sävellystaidon ohjeissani tms blogissa . 

Niin että en kai ole tuota pidemmälle lukenut tätä tekstiä, missä piti olla oma filosofinen näkemykseni eikä mustaa magiaa. )

I translate my Finnish free translation's beginnibg to English.

Superman philosophy (for my dog called YellowMellow Superman 2009)

World's best advices for happiness, skill and success on all areas of life: Tao-Te-Ching.

Tao is the right way to live, to humans (in the bioligical picture of the world) the most natural way of doing, which works so well that it can bring miracle like results.


The right, natural way of living is not something which one could descrobe by talking.

The right way of living is at the level of expefience. 

Our picture of the world cannot reach it. Instead it has to be lived, experienced, each one must find it from one's own nature. 

When you are free from graving, and don't stick to rigid stuck ways, you can reach the secret of the right way to live. 

Graving like goals on the other habd, program you to a certain point of view, and so you see only a group of phenomena, and do not see life itself.

Those phenomena are of course born from the level of lufe exoerience too, but they have been observed by sonehow lacking alienated eyes. 

All knowledge is knowledge inside some goal-oriented perspective.

You will have to return to the view of lufe of the person who kniws nothing, to the view of life that is open to all possibilities of how thibg could be, if you want to understand life. 


When people see some things as things to reach for, other things become things to avoid.

When people see some things as good, other things become as if criminal. 

Yet the world is much more complex than this. 

Estimates like "good" and "not-so-good" create each other.

...high and low, before and after

That is why a master does things without doing anything dpecial, at least not snything unnatural or artificial.

maanantai 18. maaliskuuta 2024

Some have followers

 "g22.   It is said that Jesus had followers. In the Buddhist center in Helsinki some 15 years ago there was a man with somewhat Jesus style appearance and he too tended to have followers. He used to keep some short talks about Buddhist teachings, somewhat like tales of different subjects, kind of his own versions of Buddhist thoughts, on meditation evenings. I guess that it is some human type which tends to have followers : there is something valuable, of good quality that he tends to give to listeners, but some other parts somewhat obscure as if not so good for others, and it all valuable kind of theoretical, letting people live their own lives each in their own way, completely undisturbed but sharing common civiliced values and an interest in the hobby group like meetings every now and then, not so overly often snd not so rigidly, more like a group of like-minded people at some age in their lives. I guess that some adults who tend to charm neighbourhood's children and show them things to do, have some good sides like that even though not necessarily theoretical. "

From chapter 32. in my text "Skills of Christmas gnomes", at 

sunnuntai 17. maaliskuuta 2024

Do not believe blindly, instead use common sense

 I saw some moments ago a video of the heart suttra as a song, which was a criminal fake, the melody lying (and the words obstructing momentary perceptions) to a Russian man that a brutal evil woman was somehow good like a Russian forest and wise somewhat on that direction too. A person is not a forest, so such a belief is clearly mistaken, for example a lie. It is beneficial for most to walk in a forest that one likes, so some may gain some wisdom from it, and so it may happen in family life that sometimes, maybe in some traditional chores, somelne momentarily has such an atmosphere, was remembering such life. So a person at most is like with wisdom of the type that such an individual learns in nature. A northern forest is typically a landscape, and as such good for the ability to think objectively with pictures of wholes. If the supposed forest like person does not think with pictures of wholes always along, such a person clearly is not objective at all up to the level ordinary school educated people interested in objective thinking with a holistic view and in the nature, usually are, and even they do not reach up to the level possible for many wild animals in such a landscape. A person who does not use good basic ways of doing and other fine qualities learned from the wild nature, certainly isn't up to the level of the wild nature. Each person should be estimated by their own words, deeds, etc, also by ways of doing, and not by some emotional impression, former belief, social eye, or the like - such are parts of trying to form a picture of the person, but not alone sure enough, at all. About the wisdom of the nature, I have written at . One should always remember that in the highest skills there should be no faults in basic skills at all, ever. And practical deeds must be estimated by their effects, all the way and not just point by point or by some single criterions, and for such to be good those all have to be ok enough. The basic rule is that all ought to be allowed to decide their own lufe fully always, as far as they choose according to civiliced values in good quality ways, and not be decided by some sexually interesting social relationship of the others.

Can there be that some Russians have thought it good for evil women to be interested in forest's wisdom. But they seem to have chosen so as if the evil ones were neglected, starving in all kinds of shortages of basic things needed kn life. But an evil person typically is one who has an overly excess of something, so she/he throws a lot of it away, even if others lack such. It looks like the evil ones are unusually good at getting fine and nice things that others lack. Like someone having said to aquiantages that yes  one is interested in Finland and would like to read something or watch some videos or tge like, so people bringing Finnish culture available there tend to ask who was it that said that she/he is interested in Finland, tends to come and bring something to read, etc. So I guess they are people who tend to say, maybe because of such social lies being nice in their opinion, that they are interested in all kinds of nice things people tend to offer, maybe not in all but in many, like in a candy shop, and typically they do not scrutinize them at once but instead bladdre them later and instead of saying that I already know these, (they maybe try to learn to estimate what such materials would be good for beginners), they ask if this and that interesting thing is available or possible to reach somehow and tell to kids too or whoever would like such. So they are kind of full from all kinds of interesting things, fine philophies, nice solutions, etc from around the world, and that is why they do not respect the offers of some more of these, but instead remove them from other kinds of people near by, so as to gain position over them without needing to study anything much more with interest. If they no longer want some subject's brochures etc, they often ought to mention, what other widely valued subjects or phaces in life they interest is nowadays toward. 

lauantai 9. maaliskuuta 2024

People do not take as their values all that their environment considers wise

 I watched yesterday some video of was it five famous Buddhist movies. All seemed full of crimes and fighting, like being bought up in a too beautiful nonunderstood theory perspective, as if others had said such to be good to follow but they were fed up with such life. 

There are many types of people. So even though most can learn basic skills, they do not always feel comfortable with the same things, ways of life and values. So always following some type of wisdom may cause people near by being fed up with it, yet family members etc are often supposed tl be similar, which often is not the case. 

perjantai 1. maaliskuuta 2024

About Zen Buddhist enlightenment

 From my blog 

"  The Zen Buddhist enlightenment is often described that after one moment of insight "All had changed, yet nothing had changed." The world had stayed very much ghe same, but one had found a good way of living in it. One felt happy and fullfilled, especially of the sights and sounds of nature and of the meaningfulness of things done at the level of understanding and one's own ages old nature. It seems to have much to do with individual ways of doing, like the varying weathers and learning skills demand: doing things in a good way every moment, like is good for the individual and for lufe. Just standing by and taking part only sociallt, without personally liking the hobby or whatever at hand, does not bring that feeling of meaningfullness, that ages old wise way of living. But so instead of not being tued to pkace or culture, each one could find such happiness best just where one likes the climate and the wusdom of lufe in the local ways of living. And civiluced wisdom togeyher with sincwrely wishing well in the wude world can lift the experience to more healthily happy and well workkng. 


torstai 29. helmikuuta 2024

If one does not feel well and don't know why

 If one does not feel well, it often helps to follow civiliced views of healthy ways of living much more diligently. It is often so that some person or oersons in one's living environment, especially social relationships, can bwar something well while you yoyrself cannot. So check things lije does your work suit you, is it your type of oerson's good healthy nice everyday activity, or should you choose some job that suits you much better. Is the air fresh, does it help if you ventilate the room or apartment? Is there bacteria or some unhealthy remains of some food or whatever on your skin, would it help if you go wash yourself in a shower and change to clean clothes? Does your diet suppky you with the nutritients that you need and that make you feel good for a few hours or longer, always? Do you choise healthy kind of food if you can choose yourself? Other foods can have drawbacks. Do you have the healthy habits that your wide environment supposes you to have, like animals might suppise that you sometimes eat grass, while most would suppise Asians eating quite often at least a luttle bit of cooked ordinary Asian rise. 

Smoking cigarettes or tending to prefer some unhealthy substancies on skin or in the living environment, often connects with wanting a work with similar theory perspective or other burden. So finding such a job, even part-time would cure away the need for cugarettes or other unhealthy substancies. Adjust the amount of work until it is right for you, whike fitting into the society in healthy ways. 

24.4.2024   "... Some influencies of not feeling well, seemed to connect with not having an ok idea of what would be the correct diet for oneself. I add here my impression of the food they need : tattaria, vaaleaa kastiketta johon lisätty soijaa, kaakkoisaasialaisen tyylustä viileää vihannesriiriä, jossa etikkaa ja vettä kastikkeena, kai myös kesäsalaattia. Jos kaipaa rasvaa, niin ehkä ruokalusikallinen lihan rasvaa tai ruokaöljyä, myös mahdollinen kauraleipäoala margariinilla. Vihannesriisin sekaan voi sotkea kinkkusuikalepussin, jos kaipaa lihaa ruokaan. Mahdollusesti rypäletuoremehua tms vajaa lasillinen tms. Mahdollusesti ruuan kanssa kermaviiliä max purkillinen. Paisteetu parsa mahdollinen muuateria, kenties tofun kanssa, jotain nestettä pannukka, ja aterialla mahd. myös mungopavun ituja ja kermaviiliä tuoreen tillin kanssa. "

I once tried to read a book by Krishnamurti but it made me feel ill, which I thought to be a consequence of a too huge climate dufference. But yesterday I came to think tgat a video of Krishnamurti that I had seen some years ago seemed to not to feel well either, so I guessed it to be a wrong diet. Right food for Krishnamurti seemed to be squeezed avocado with squeezed banana plus rypäletuoremehu i.e. fresh juice, and now I guess maybe also vaniljavohvelikeksit. 

keskiviikko 17. tammikuuta 2024

A new book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings"

17th of January 2024   A new book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, Finland, northern European Union, hardcover, 15usd +post, soon available at 

* * *

It turned out that I sent ny book file to many organizations. 

You ought to be able to download the book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, for free at .

 I collected miscellaneous texts from this blog and made a book: 

17th of January 2024   A new book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, Finland, northern European Union, hardcover, 15usd +post, soon available at and at my author page 

It turned out that I sent my book file to many wide organizations. 

You ought to be able to download the book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, FOR FREE AT . You can both spread this link or a link to this page and/or copy the downloaded book text file to others too. It ought to have pictures, and the few videos are on a playlist at the video site .

See as a kindle 0.99usd+tax

Also the kindle ebook ought to have unlimited number of simultaneous users, but I do not know whether one can read kindle books without being logged in to the Amazon internet bookshop.

18th of January 2024   Today morning I found the kindle version both by a search at and at my author page's booklist at .

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Saying "Wonderful, miracle like beings"

 Like one can walk in the rain, seeing rain drops kind of light dazzling spots all around, the wonder of nature, the atmospheric beauty of walking a few steps in a quite light rain, forgetting for a moment the burdens of social life that one wants to distance one self from. Likewise there is something such in the besuty of nature, the wonderful miracle like beauty and wisdom of life of the living nature. 

Likewise one can look at the younger generation or liked pets or just one's liked hobbies, thinking of the miracle like wonderful possibilities of healthy kind of life in a civiliced society. It is something that one can or in theory could learn from young trees or from young undergrowth plants' atmosphere,  in the air near by their bark, as if rainy weather, seeing there coming an opening between clouds, on a moist weather. 

But it depends on the wisdom of life of the one who thinks so. Without such wisdom it does not work as well. It seems to create possibilities for life running well. Such affects also the life of tge one who sees life around so: the wonder of being alive, of life around. 

 (29th of January 2024   With one new remark you can find the file at .) 

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3rd of February 2024   My i.pression via some spiritual side is that by the help of the advices in the above booklet, a baby can learn already before birth and help a luttle or even much in being born, and be kind of wise already to begin with. School educated mother with nature, at least trees and grasses or snow, in the living environment, I guess would be needed.

In my new booklet "Christmas Elf Like Work, and influencing things in the world", see , there are among other subjects something about how a baby learns and how a baby or young child could learn to walk. 

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